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“Gross Jobs” open book study guide – test 2/10


Please match the correct vocabulary word to its definition.

- Flee - to put in a place for use 

- Flexible - very important 

- Vital - able to bend without breaking 

- Install - to run away


Please answer the following by using restating. 

What is the genre of the story?

What types of jobs keep our community safe and clean? 

What would happen if no one cleaned the refrigerator or bathroom?  


Describe the job of each person and how they keep us safe. 

- plumber - 

- trash collectors - 

- custodian - 

- pest control specialists - 


Directions: Short answer. 

- What is a way you can help keep your community safe? Why is this important to do? 


Use the word box and sort the words into the correct category: Messy Job:         Dirty Job: 

  • -painter       -plumber       -hair stylist      -paving       - candy maker         - trash man


    * Questions may vary