Welcome Flex Students!!
Contact: [email protected]
Weekly Reminders: Week of 9/16
I will post reminders in this section. Weekly grade specific assignments and objectives are included in the grade specific sections below.
- HW will begin this week.
- No school on Friday, 9/20.
- Spelling and Grammar quizzes will be on Thursday 9/19 this week.
- Story test will be on Tuesday 9/24.
- Please check your child's BLUE or GREEN Flex folder nightly.
- Please check the Flex webpage and planner for HW and assignments.
- Flex class teams page: See Side Tabs
* dates subject to change*
Second Grade: - Please supply your child with scissors for Flex class.
- Grammar - verbs/nouns (common and proper) review - Quiz Thursday 9/19
- Phonics - diagraphs (th, ch, wh, sh)
- Spelling - "The Mice Who Lived in the Shoe" spelling list (diagraphs - Quiz Thurs. 9/19
- LA - "The Mice Who Lived in A Shoe" - Story test Tuesday 9/24 (due to no school Fri.)
- Writing - Opinion piece writing elements
Third Grade: - Please supply your child with scissors for Flex class.
- Grammar - parts of speech review (verbs, adjectives, common/proper nouns) Quiz 9/19
- Phonics - compound words
- Spelling - "The Origami Master" - long vowels a, i, o and compound words. Quiz 9/19
- LA - "The Origami Master" Story test Tuesday 9/24 (due to no school Friday).
- Writing- Opinion piece writing