"Gross Jobs" Vocabulary
1.vital (adjective) very important; necessary
2. clogged (adjective) blocked or filled up
3. waste (noun) material that is thrown away
4. plant (noun) a building or factory
5. install (verb) to put in place for use or service
6. flexible (adjective) able to bend without breaking; not stiff
7. expired (adjective) no longer usable
8. landfill (noun) an area of land where garbage is covered by soil
9. flee (verb) to run away
10. ensure (verb) to make sure of something; guarantee
"In My Own Backyard" Vocabulary
1. brook (noun) a small stream
2. plowed (verb) cut through or turned over soil
3. settlers (noun) people who come to live in a new land or country
4. mist (noun) a cloud of tiny drops of water that is in the air
5. sheets (noun) thin, broad pieces of things
6. haze (noun) mist, smoke, or dust in the air
7. grazed (verb) fed on growing grass
8. skimmed (verb) moved over lightly and swiftly
9. blurry (adjective) dim or hard to see; unclear
10. pulsed (verb) beat or vibrated