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Where's the Honey, Honey? week 4/29-5/6


1.beehive (noun) a nest or house a bee lives in*

2. wilderness (noun) a natural place where few people live *

3. flush (verb) to drive from the cover of a hiding place

4.wax (noun) the yellow substance that is used by bees to make honeycombs *

5. effective (adjective) bringing about or able to bring about a desired result

6. ancient (adjective) of or having to do with times very long ago *



"Busy Bees"


1. design (verb) to make for a purpose

2. products (noun) things that are made or created

3. limbs (noun) large branches of a tree

4. vacant (adjective) empty

5. invade (verb) to enter without permission

6. antenna (noun) one of a pair of long, thin “feelers” on the head of an insect