"How Congress Works" Vocabulary
1. current (adjective) happening or occurring now
2. debate (verb) to discuss the merits of something in a meeting
3. fairly (adverb) honestly or justly
4. interpret (verb) to explain the meaning of
5. process (noun) a series of actions performed to make or do something
6. proposed (verb) suggested something for consideration
"Every Vote Counts" Vocabulary
1. ashamed (adjective) feeling upset or guilty over doing something wrong
2. candidate (noun) a person who seeks to be chosen for an office
3. decisions (noun) acts or results of making up one’s mind
4. foundation (noun) the basic idea or principle upon which something stands
5. immediately (adverb) right away
6. moral (noun) a lesson about right and wrong that is taught in a story
7. numerous (adjective) consisting of a great number
8. pace (noun) rate of speed
9. participate (verb) join with others and take part in something
10. populations (noun) the numbers of people who live in a place
11. prominent (adjective) well known or important volunteers noun people who offer to help by choice with no pay